- Obtain Death Certificate.
- Ascertain information regarding the deceased’s Estate and the beneficiaries etc. including the Applicant.
- Deposit is payable.
- Where applicable letters prepared and sent to beneficiaries of the Estate who are on the same tier of the priority list regarding intestacy informing them of the Applicant’s intention to apply to be named Administrator of the Estate.
- Application made for Administrator General’s Certificate.
- Oath prepared for execution by Administrator(s) in the presence of a Justice of the Peace.
- Oath sent to Tax Admin. and Stamp Duty paid.
- Stamped Oath as well as two copies of the draft Grant and the Administrator General’s Certificate are filed in the Supreme Court.
- Once Oath and Grant are approved by the Court the Grant is sent back to us for Stamp Duty to be paid.
- Upon receipt of stamped Grant it is relodged in Court for signing by the Registrar.
- Signed Grant received from Court.
- Balance of fee is now payable in exchange for signed Grant.